[ 21 Jun - 6 July 2013 ]
Kosta Tonev: The heavenly bodies, once thrown into a certain definite motion, always repeat
in VA-Achter

Kosta Tonev
Kosta Tonev sets his experience working as bicycle courier against the background of cycle-like phenomena in the world economy.
- Invitation Kosta Tonev (pdf) –
He investigates the causal link between the re-establishment of cycling as a mode of transport in the 1970s and the economic recession that triggered it. The exhibition marks the 40th anniversary of the Oil Crisis of 1973 and implicitly raises questions about its present day resonance.
Since 2012 Kosta Tonev has been attending the Master Artistic Research programme (KABK). This exhibition has been developed during his project-based residency at GEMAK|Vrije Academie.
Opening exhibition: Friday 21 June, 5 pm
Artist’s talk: Saturday 22 June, 2 pm