[ 17 Jul - 15 August 2015 ]
curated by: Waalko Dingemans & Jason File

Participating artists: Jason File, Waalko Dingemans, Zehra Arslan, Lewis Davidson, Naomi Fitzsimmons, Libby Ireland, Marijn Ottenhof. Supported by Stroom and GEMAK.
Opening: Friday 17 July, 5-7 pm
Re-opening: Friday 31 July, 5-7 pm
In science, the “Observer Effect” refers to changes that the act of observation causes to a phenomenon being observed. Today we are the subject of countless daily observations by institutions from local to global, as our traces are recorded, analysed, and in some cases, fed back to us as suggestions anticipating our desires. Although appearing tailored and customized to ourselves, these suggestions are in fact based partly on all traces of the hidden market-segments into which we are categorized. We change the group and the group changes us, while society’s realities fragment into pre-selected clusters. As our own reality is shifted, to what extent can we trust what we experience? This exhibition explores these issues – get to know it as it gets to know you.
The show is initiated and curated by Waalko Dingemans and Jason File and brings together seven recent graduates from the Chelsea College of Arts, London and the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
Also you can experience the benefits of The Observer Effect at the opening on Friday 17 July, and grow in experience at the next phase, at the re-opening on Friday 31 July. Feel welcome to join us!
Participating Artists:
Zehra Arslan (Germany 1985, lives/works London) studied Chelsea College of Arts, London (BA Fine Art 2013) and Royal College of Art, London (MFA Painting 2015). Zehra’s work at GEMAK consists of digital prints depicting drawings for sculptural pieces, as well as a set of instructions for the viewer. Organised around the idea of her construction plans, the piece reflects on sculpture as a medium, its economic, linguistic and institutional relations. Recent exhibitions include: Whitechapel Gallery, London; RCA Degree Show, London; De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill-on-Sea (all 2015). She is currently preparing her first solo show in New York.
Lewis Davidson (UK 1990, lives/works London) studied Chelsea College of Arts, London (BA Fine Art 2013). Lewis’s work is on permanent display in Paul Smith’s Beak Street and Floral Street branches, London. Recent exhibitions include London/Vienna Calling 2013-2014, The Open West 2014 and Art@Tell 2/2014, Switzerland. Chosen to be part of a selected body from the Art@Tell editions, his work is currently scheduled to tour to the University of Dusseldorf, Germany.
Waalko Dingemans (NL 1973, lives/works The Hague), studied Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague (BA Fine Arts 2013). The recurrent theme in Waalko’s work, spanning drawing, photography and installation, is the personal relation of the individual to his surroundings. By exploring the boundary between conscious and subconscious, triggering memories or creating an intimate relationship, the viewer is encouraged to experience the work autonomously instead of following general opinion. Recent exhibitions include: Arttrium (NL 2014) and Inside Zone (RO 2015).
Jason File (USA 1976, lives/works The Hague) studied Chelsea College of Arts, London (BA Fine Art 2013) and Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague (BA Fine Arts 2013). Jason is an artist, university lecturer in fine art at the KABK, and war crimes prosecutor whose multimedia practice explores institutional structures and materials. He is the recipient of the Mead Fellowship and the Zabludowicz Collection Future Map Prize (London, 2014). Recent exhibitions include: The Ryder Projects, London (solo); Stroom, The Hague (two-person); Copperfield, London (all 2015); Grand Rapids Art Museum, USA; International Print Biennale, UK (all 2014).
Naomi Fitzsimmons (UK 1989, lives/works London) studied Chelsea College of Arts, London (BA Fine Art 2013). Naomi’s practice explores the role of the audience and of staging in the live event. She is the recipient of the Chelsea Acme Studio Award 2013/2014. Her previous education includes a year’s study at the Universität der Künste, Berlin (2012) and a foundation diploma from Central Saint Martins, London (2009). Recent exhibitions include: Bearspace, London (solo); Atelierhaus der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna (all 2014); Picture This Gallery, Bristol; Camden Arts Centre, London (all 2012).
Libby Ireland (UK, 1990, lives/works London), studied Chelsea College of Arts, London (BA Fine Art 2013). Libby’s work explores the physical experience of architecture, looking at the way individuals as physical entities move about spaces in order to investigate the relationship between body, space and artwork. By altering existing spaces or structures, her work plays on the line between art and real life in order to disrupt movement and break habits in architectural environments. She is the recipient of the Chelsea Alumni Award and the GlogauAIR Chelsea Student Award (2013). Recent exhibitions include: SPACE Studios, London; GlogauAIR, Berlin (all 2014).
Marijn Ottenhof (NL 1985, lives/works The Hague), studied Royal Academy of Art (KABK) (BA Fine Arts 2014). Marijn works in video, photography and installation; themes include the disappearing boundaries between the real and the surreal, the rules of group behaviour and the loss of function of objects and situations. Through seemingly pointless actions and functionless products, surreal settings and social happenings, she creates a parallel world of loneliness, magic and games without rules. She is the recipient of a Mondriaan Fonds Vrije beurs praktijkverdieping (2015) and the KABK Fine Arts Department Award (2014). Recent exhibitions include: Art Rotterdam Intersections, Nieuwe Vide (solo) (2015); KiK, Kolderveen (2014).