
[ 21 September 2015 19:00 - 21:00 ]

The Fine Art of Peacemaking

By The Hague Peace Projects in collaboration with GEMAK

The Fine Art of Peacemaking

On the occasion of The International Day of Peace on the 21st of September, The Hague Peace Projects and GEMAK will organize a public discussion on the theme: The Fine Art of Peacemaking.

The event takes place during the Just Peace Festival in The Hague and will be an encounter between representatives of two worlds: on the one hand the world of professional art and on the other hand the world of peace activism. Activists and many artists are concerned about the world and the society we live in, but rarely meet to discuss and exchange their views.

After a presentation of their respective work by activist Sylvestre Bwira and artist Pierfrancesco Gava there will be an open debate with the audience on the question: What do art and (peace-)activism have in common?

This will be the kick-off event of a series of monthly encounters between artists and peace activists.


SYLVESTRE BWIRA is a peace activist from eastern Congo. Living in The Netherlands since 2010 he continues to work for peace in his home country.

PIERFRANCESCO GAVA is a visual artist from Italy. He recently graduated from the Master Artistic Research program at the Royal Academy in The Hague. His recent project investigates the strategy with which power structures, such as politics and religion, use their own image in the public media.

Entrance to this event is free, but registration is appreciated:

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