[ 31 Oct - 21 November 2014 ]
TV-Dome performances by Ehsan Fardjadniya / Pirate Cinema
Friday 31 October & Friday 21 November 2014

During these performances, the TV-Dome, featured in the exhibition LOCUS: Upcoming Iranian Artists Abroad, will be a political remix arena.
Here visitors can experience the all-encompassing power of media or earn how to lie by editing. To participate in the performances, bring your own video’s on USB-stick to be fed to the TV dome and question the techniques used.
TheTV-Dome Performances will take place on:
Friday 31st October, 3 pm
Friday 21st of November, 5 pm (as part of the LOCUS seminar)
For the occasion of the LOCUS seminar on 21 November Ehsan Fardjadniya multi-screens an ongoing video work entitled ‘BLACK TV REMAKE’, as part of his ‘TV DOME’ installation (duration: 20 min.)
‘BLACK TV’ is the title of Tambellini’s (1968) best-known film as part of his “Black Film series”. Aldo Tambellini is an Italian American artist (b. 1930) and a central figure during 1960s, multi-media installations, film and video art. ‘BLACK TV’ is a politically charged experimental montage of found footages, filmed television, and abstract films made by Tambellini. His abstract films are often the results of treating film as a black material to paint, mark, scratch or handle sculpturally to create an image. ‘BLACK TV’ an iconoclastic approach to spectacle, an approach that subverts the images of mass media by a series of montage and filmic process by the artist in order to achieve a particular abstract and ambiguous communication level. ‘BLACK TV’ is a rapid transmission of historical and grotesque images of for example president Kennedy’s assassination, Vietnam war and police brutality, passed through the filmmaker’s process that are finally thrown at you at the speed of the information age.
The ‘BLACK TV REMAKE’ by Ehsan Fardjadniya is the contemporary version of the ‘BLACK TV’ with spectacular images of current events, wars, terror, stereotypes, and politicians. Fardjadniya’s arrives at a similar subversive approach toward the spectacle but in the contemporary digital media. The “Remake of ‘BLACK TV REMAKE’ is now consist of only digital images and videos and will be projected by digital video projectors. In this work, montage, multi-channel screening, glitching, codec reprocessing are methods to recontextualize images in order to activate the audience and bring out another level of perception.
Ehsan Fardjadniya is an Iranian-Dutch multi-media visual artist, experimental filmmaker and organizer. He is graduated from the visual art department of Royal College of The Hague in 2006 and MA at Goldsmiths University of London 2008. Currently he lives and works in Amsterdam. He is currently working on a series of film events in Amsterdam.
To stay updated about this event follow Ehsan’Fardjadniya’s websites: ehsancritique.com, piratecinema.nl or Facebook
Further readings on Tambellini’s work: Expanded Cinema book by Gene Youngblood, Page 309 http://www.vasulka.org/Kitchen/PDF_ExpandedCinema/book.pdf Harvard Film Archive link to THE BLACK films: Link Interview with Tambellini: Link to Art 21 Magazine